The Complete List of Magic The Gathering Sets – 1993 to Present

Brian Cooper  By Brian Cooper | Updated on December 19, 2023

Complete List of All Magic The Gathering Sets

As of July 2023, the list of Magic The Gathering sets now exceeds well over 100 sets that have been released since the very first one came out back in 1993.  And because of this long and successful history, Magic The Gathering can easily be called one of the greatest trading card games ever made. 

I truly feel lucky to have been involved in Magic since nearly the beginning when I purchased my first Revised packs back in 1994. It’s been a great run so far and I can’t wait to see what the next 29 years bring too!

One of the things I wanted to do was keep track right here on the Magic Card Investor site of certain important sets, cards and other data. I know a lot of other sites do this too, but I felt I needed to put a post on here that I can update going forward.

I’ve also added the “Era” column to try and define the different time periods in Magic The Gathering history. The timing of the eras is subjective and many will argue when certain eras begin and end. However, this is my opinion and is a fairly accurate breakdown of when important changes happened in Magic’s history.

That being said, below is a complete list of all Magic: The Gathering sets from 1993 to Present. I hope it helps you and feel free to bookmark the page as we’ll keep it updated from here on out! Also, if you need any additional data or would like to see something added to this list (whether it’s set I missed or some data you would like added), please let me know. Enjoy!

Complete List of Magic The Gathering Sets (1993-2023)

Limited Edition AlphaLEA (1E)August 1993Golden Era
Limited Edition BetaLEB (2E)October 1993Golden Era
Arabian NightsARN (AN)December 1993Golden Era
Unlimited Edition2ED (2U)December 1993Golden Era
AntiquitiesATQ (AQ)March 1994Golden Era
Revised Edition3ED (3E)April 1994Golden Era
LegendsLEG (LE)June 1994Golden Era
The DarkDARK (DK)August 1994Golden Era
Fallen EmpiresFEM (FE)November 1994Golden Era
Fourth Edition4ED (4E)May 1995Golden Era
Ice AgeICE (IA)June 1995Golden Era
ChroniclesCHR (CH)July 1995Golden Era
HomelandsHML (HM)October 1995Golden Era
AlliancesALL (AL)June 1996Golden Era
MirageMIR (MI)October 1996Golden Era
VisionsVIS (VI)February 1997Golden Era
Fifth Edition5ED (5E)March 1997Golden Era
WeatherlightWTH (WL)June 1997Golden Era
TempestTMP (TE)October 1997Golden Era
StrongholdSTH (ST)February 1998Golden Era
ExodusEXO (EX)June 1998Golden Era
UngluedUGL (UG)August 1998Golden Era
Urza’s SagaUSG (UZ)October 1998Golden Era
Urza’s LegacyULG (UL)February 1999Golden Era
Sixth Edition6ED (6E)April 1999Golden Era
Urza’s DestinyUDS (UD)June 1999Golden Era
Mercadian MasquesMMQ (MM)September 1999Golden Era
NemesisNEM (NE)February 2000Silver Era
ProphecyPCR (PY)June 2000Silver Era
InvasionINV (IN)September 2000Silver Era
BeatdownBTDOctober 2000Silver Era
PlaneshiftPLS (PS)January 2001Silver Era
Seventh Edition7ED (7E)April 2001Silver Era
ApocalypseAPC (AP)May 2001Silver Era
OdysseyODY (OD)October 2001Silver Era
TormentTORFebruary 2002Silver Era
JudgmentJUDMay 2002Silver Era
OnslaughtONSOctober 2002Silver Era
LegionsLGNJanuary 2003Silver Era
ScourgeSCGMay 2003Silver Era
Eighth Edition8EDJuly 2003Silver Era
MirrodinMRDOctober 2003Silver Era
DarksteelDSTFebruary 2004Silver Era
Fifth Dawn5DNJune 2004Silver Era
Champions of KamigawaCHKOctober 2004Silver Era
UnhingedUNHNovember 2004Silver Era
Betrayers of KamigawaBOKFebruary 2005Silver Era
Saviors of KamigawaSOKJune 2005Silver Era
Ninth Edition9EDJuly 2005Silver Era
Ravnica: City of GuildsRAVOctober 2005Silver Era
GuildpactGPTFebruary 2006Silver Era
DissensionDISMay 2006Silver Era
ColdsnapCSPJuly 2006Silver Era
Time SpiralTSPOctober 2006Silver Era
Planar ChaosPLCFebruary 2007Silver Era
Future SightFUTMay 2007Silver Era
Tenth Edition10EJuly 2007Silver Era
Masters EditionMEDSeptember 2007Silver Era
LorwynLRWOctober 2007Silver Era
MorningtideMORFebruary 2008Silver Era
ShadowmoorSHMMay 2008Silver Era
EventideEVEJune 2008Silver Era
Shards of AlaraALASeptember 2008Silver Era
ConfluxCONFebruary 2009Silver Era
Alara RebornARBApril 2009Silver Era
Magic 2010M10July 2009Silver Era
ZendikarZENOctober 2009Silver Era
WorldwakeWWKFebruary 2010Silver Era
Rise of the EldraziROEApril 2010Silver Era
Magic 2011M11July 2010Silver Era
Scars of MirrodinSOMOctober 2010Silver Era
Mirrodin BesiegedMBSFebruary 2011Silver Era
New PhyrexiaNPHMay 2011Silver Era
Magic 2012M12July 2011Silver Era
InnistradISDSeptember 2011Silver Era
Dark AscensionDKAFebruary 2012Silver Era
Avacyn RestoredAVRMay 2012Silver Era
Magic 2013M13July 2012Silver Era
Return to RavnicaRTROctober 2012Bronze Era
GatecrashGTCFebruary 2013Bronze Era
Dragon’s MazeDGMMay 2013Bronze Era
Modern MastersMMAJune 2013Bronze Era
Magic 2014M14July 2013Bronze Era
TherosTHSSeptember 2013Bronze Era
Born of the GodsBNGFebruary 2014Bronze Era
Journey into NyxJOUMay 2014Bronze Era
ConspiracyCNSJune 2014Bronze Era
Magic 2015M15July 2014Bronze Era
Khans of TarkirKTKOctober 2014Bronze Era
Fate ReforgedFRFJanuary 2015Bronze Era
Dragons of TarkirDTKMarch 2015Bronze Era
Modern Masters 2015MM2May 2015Bronze Era
Magic OriginsORIJuly 2015Bronze Era
Battle for ZendikarMFZOctober 2015Bronze Era
Oath of the GatewatchOGWJanuary 2016Bronze Era
Shadows over InnistradSOIApril 2016Bronze Era
Eternal MastersEMAJune 2016Bronze Era
Eldritch MoonEMNJuly 2016Bronze Era
Conspiracy: Take the CrownCN2August 2016Bronze Era
KaladeshKLDSeptember 2016Bronze Era
Aether RevoltAERJanuary 2017Bronze Era
Modern Masters 2017MM3March 2017Bronze Era
AmonkhetAKHApril 2017Bronze Era
Hour of DevastationHOUJuly 2017Bronze Era
IxalanXLNSeptember 2017Bronze Era
Iconic MastersIMANovember 2017Bronze Era
UnstableUSTDecember 2017Bronze Era
Rivals of IxalanRIXJanuary 2018Bronze Era
Masters 25A25March 2018Bronze Era
DominariaDOMApril 2018Bronze Era
BattlebondBBDJune 2018Bronze Era
Core Set 2019M19July 2018Bronze Era
Guilds of RavnicaGRNOctober 2018Bronze Era
Ultimate MastersUMADecember 2018Bronze Era
Ravnica AllegianceRNAJanuary 2019Bronze Era
War of the SparkWARMay 2019Bronze Era
Modern HorizonsMH1June 2019Present Day
Core Set 2020M20July 2019Present Day
Throne of EldraineELDOctober 2019Present Day
Theros: Beyond DeathTHBJanuary 2020Present Day
Ikoria: Lair of BehemothsIKOApril 2020Present Day
JumpstartJMPJuly 2020Present Day
Core Set 2021M21July 2020Present Day
Double Masters2XMAugust 2020Present Day
Zendikar RisingZNRSeptember 2020Present Day
Commander LegendsCNRNovember 2020Present Day
KaldheimKHMFebruary 2021Present Day
Time Spiral RemasteredTSRMarch 2021Present Day
Strixhaven: School of MagesSTXApril 2021Present Day
Modern Horizons 2MH2June 2021Present Day
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten RealmsAFRJuly 2021Present Day
Innistrad: Midnight HuntMIDSeptember 2021Present Day
Innistrad: Crimson VowVOWNovember 2021Present Day
Kamigawa: Neon DynastyNEOFebruary 2022Present Day
Streets of New CapennaSNCApril 2022Present Day
Double Masters 20222X2July 2022Present Day
Dominaria UnitedDMUSeptember 2022Present Day
The Brother’s WarBRONovember 2022Present Day
Jumpstart 2022J22December 2022Present Day
Dominaria RemasteredDMRJanuary 2023Present Day
Phyrexia: All Will Be OneONEFebruary 2023Present Day
March of the MachineMOMApril 2023Present Day
March of the Machine: The AftermathMATMay 2023Present Day
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earthLTRJune 2023Present Day
Wilds of EldraineWOESeptember 2023Present Day
The Lost Caverns of IxalanLCINovember 2023Present Day
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Brian Cooper has been a part of the trading card scene since the 1980s and is the driving force behind MAGIC CARD INVESTOR. His mission is to help bring back the fun and nostalgia of collecting Magic: The Gathering cards and other Trading Card games to everyone young and old.